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Notice on Establishing a Sound Working Mechanism for the Real Estate Registration Complaint Hotline
Update:2021-06-07    Source: Guangzhou Association of Real Estate Agents

  The Guangzhou Association of Real Estate Agents (hereinafter the “Association”) introduced a real estate registration complaint hotline (020-66679004) in April 2020, aimed at improving the city’s business environment. A mechanism for strengthening complaint handling is to be established, for purposes of putting in place a sound real estate registration complaint mechanism, standardizing and institutionalizing the handling of complaints, addressing issues encountered by individuals and enterprises, ensuring that real estate registration complaints are handled professionally, independently, effectively and fairly, and constantly improving real estate registration work. Please see below for particulars of the mechanism:

  1. Content of Complaints

  The Association deals with complaints from individuals and enterprises on the following issues encountered during transactions at any real estate registration agencies:

  1.1 Unacceptable service quality or service attitude;

  1.2 Failure to provide registration services at dedicated enterprise service counters as specified by relevant requirements and procedures;

  1.3 Failure to implement the accountability system for staff members accepting an application;

  1.4 Failure to provide all relevant information in writing in one instance to the applicant; and

  1.5 Failure to fully process a real estate registration transaction within the time limit specified on the issued receipt.

  2. Complaint Handling Procedures

  Procedures for the handing of complaints by the Association include four steps: acceptance, investigation, forwarding and response.

  2.1 Acceptance

  After receiving a complaint, the Association will evaluate and see whether it should be handled. If so, the Association shall timely accept this complaint and establish a transaction record. Otherwise, the Association shall clearly inform the complainant that the complaint is rejected.

  2.2 Investigation

  The Association shall designate staff to carry out an independent investigation which will give a conclusion and handling opinion.

  2.3 Forwarding

  The Association shall forward the investigation conclusion and handling opinion to the Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau and other government authorities involved and inform the complainant of the forwarding. After receiving the investigation conclusion and handling opinion from the Association, relevant government functionaries shall take follow-up action and provide feedback on the result.

  2.4 Response

  After receiving the result from relevant government authorities, the Association shall respond to the complainant.

  3. Time Limit for Processing a Complaint

  Within twenty (20) working days.

  4. Oversight

  The Association shall designate staff to follow up on the progress of a complaint throughout the entire process, while relevant departments shall provide a timely response on the handling opinion and recommendations. In case of failure to do so, the Association will send a letter to these departments to urge timely completion of the process. Meanwhile, the Association will regularly disclose information on how complaints were handled on its website.

  Guangzhou Association of Real Estate Agents

  April 29, 2021

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