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Tianhe rejects collection of unsorted garbage
Update: 2020-01-08     Source: Newsgd.com

8369 residential communities in Guangzhou have removed the dustbins inside the buildings and set up color-coded dustbins for rubbish classification and collection. According to Tianhe Urban Management And Law Enforcement Bureau, the district has set up 364 garbage recycling stations and adopted a variety of strategies to optimize services.

The Bureau said 60 sample communities in Tianhe have all passed the city’s inspection on garbage classification. These communities took different strategies to encourage residents. For example, Lin He Yuan distributed the waste classification guidelines in both Chinese and English so that overseas tenants could also better understand.

While removing the dustbins inside the buildings, the Bureau suggested that the communities should consider the details involved in the procedures of classification, rubbish dumping, temporary storage and pick up &transporting. They said the communities should encourage their residents to transport and deposit waste using buckets or biodegradable garbage bags, and that communities should set up temporary dustbins in underground car parks or corridors with ceilings in case of rain.

In addition, Tianhe has adopted the following policy: if a resident refuses to sort their rubbish and has received yellow and red card warnings about this, the station will not collect his or her rubbish. The district has been enhancing inspection at recycle stations as well as waste compacting stations. Thus far, the district has rejected the collection unsorted rubbish on 50 occasions since August 2019.

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