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“LOVE YOUR LIBRARY” Spring Festival Special
Update: 2021-02-07     Source: Newsgd.com

Guangzhou Library's 2021 Spring Festival special of Love Your Library will lead people, including migrant workers in Guangzhou and expats, who stay in Guangzhou during the Spring Festival to experience intangible cultural heritage of Lingnan pressed flower craft, creative Spring Festival, classic New Year celebration videos and other themed activities, so as to enrich people’s cultural life during the Spring Festival.

Schedules of workshop activities taken on the eighth floor of the North Building by the Creative Design Library and video appreciation activities on the sixth floor of the South Building are as follows:

Warm prompt:The opening hours of all theme libraries in Guangzhou library: 10:00-17:30(closed on Wednesdays) .The opening hoursduring the Spring Festival: 9:00-18:00 (closed on the first, second and third day of the Spring festival). The library will not be closed on Wednesday, February 17, and will open normally from February 18.

Except for the activities of the major theme libraries just introduced, there are many other activities in Guangzhou library during the Spring Festival. Welcome to the library for experience. We would like to remind you thatduring the epidemic control period,you need to register the library card of Guangzhou library in advance. Only when you have made an appointment through our official Wechat account in advance, can you enter the library . All activities in the library can only be attended after successful registration (please pay attention to activity posters for registration methods).

If you don't have a library card yet,please check this detailed guide.

Guidance on the online registration

(Long press to identify the picture below)

Guided by:

Foreign Affairs Office of the Guangzhou Municipal

Government Bureau of Migrant Service of Guangzhou Municipality

Hosted by:

Guangzhou Library

MEGA Studio

Guangzhou Tianhe District Folk Artists Association

Co-hosted by:

School of International Programs

Guangdong University of Finance

Guangdong Radio and Television Station

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