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Guangzhou, Egypt to further cooperate in arbitration services
Update: 2021-07-20     Source: eguangzhou.gov.cn


Guangzhou Arbitration Commission holds an online exchange with the Cairo Regional Center for International Commercial Arbitration on July 15. [Photo by Wei Lina/Guangzhou Daily]

Guangzhou Arbitration Commission (GZAC) held an online exchange with the Cairo Regional Center for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA) on July 15, to discuss the establishment and promotion of the online dispute resolution (ODR) mechanism.

China and Egypt have been enhancing matchmaking in development strategies, and more and more Chinese companies have invested in Egypt, launching cooperation in areas spanning infrastructure construction, industrial capacity, and science and technology.

Wang Tianxi, deputy director of GZAC, said that both sides have achieved substantial progresses in sharing lists of arbitrators and the sixth version of GZAC's list of arbitrators has included arbitrators from CRCICA.

Ismial Selim, chairman of CRCICA, said that it was a great pleasure that so much consensus could be achieved with GZAC and highly praised the function of the internet in promoting cooperation in arbitration services between different arbitration institutions.

Selim invited staff members from GZAC to hold a meeting for the promotion and communication of ODR during the meeting.

It was also put forward during the meeting that close cooperation between two sides in areas such as the sharing of lists of arbitrators and mutual assistance in arbitration consultation will be carried out in the future to provide better and more efficient arbitration services for companies in China and Egypt.

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