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Municipal Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection Unit

Haopan Mosque is located in Haopan Street, Tiancheng Road, Guangzhou, covering an area of 1,491 square meters. The mosque is quiet and tastefully laid out like a garden. In the past, the Muslims used to attend religious services according to their residence quarters. Many soldiers stationed in Guangzhou believed in the Islam. They raised funds to build several mosques in the reign of Emperor Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty. Haopan Mosque was built then and was rebuilt in 1706, the 45th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty.

In 1927, the Muslims scholars once set up a Hui language college to cultivate the Imam successors. The college also published the Islamic journal Yuwisahwa Monthly, and republished such famous publications as The Guide Book of Islam, which had a profound effect on the propaganda of Islam at home and abroad as a main course of scripture hall education.

Since 1952, Haopan Mosque went through several ups and downs,. In 1993, it was enlisted with the Guangzhou Municipal Key Historical and Cultural Protection Unit, and in 1994, a major  reconstruction programme commenced such that on May 17, 1998, it officially re-opened to the public, with Guangzhou Arabic Extracurricular Training Courses being held there in September of that year..  Nowadays, this mosque become one of Guangzhou's major religious venues.

※ Address: 378 Haopan Jie, Renmin Zhonglu

※ Tel: 81091123

※ Transportation:
· Bus: take bus 134, 823, 86, 238, 82, 61, 4, 8 to Yide Xizhan Stop

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