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Regulations of Guangzhou City on Foreign Language Signs in Public Places
Update:2024-02-28    Source: Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality


常 务 委 员 会

公  告


The Standing Committee of the Sixteenth Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress


(Announcement No. 31)


  The Twenty-first Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixteenth Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress adopted the Regulations of Guangzhou City on Foreign Language Signs in Public Places on November 29, 2023. It was reviewed and adopted by the Seventh Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress on December 28, 2023. It is hereby promulgated and will take effect from February 1, 2024 onwards.



The Standing Committee of Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress

January 4, 2024



The Decision of the Standing Committee of Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress on the Adoption of the Regulations of Guangzhou City on Foreign Language Signs in Public Places


  (Adopted at the Seventh Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress on December 28, 2023)


  The Seventh Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress reviewed the Regulations of Guangzhou City on Foreign Language Signs in Public Places submitted by the Standing Committee of Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress for adoption. These regulations are not in conflict with the Constitution, laws, administrative regulations, and local regulations of Guangdong Province. The decision for its adoption and implementation was then announced by the Standing Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress.


Regulations of Guangzhou City on Foreign Language Signs in Public Places

(2023年11月29日广州市第十六届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一次会议通过  2023年12月28日广东省第十四届人民代表大会常务委员会第七次会议批准)

(Adopted at the Twenty-first Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixteenth Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress on November 29, 2023, and approved at the Seventh Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress on December 28, 2023)

第一条  为了规范本市公共场所外语标识的设置和管理,打造国际交往中心城市、国际消费中心城市,推进国际大都市建设,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市实际,制定本规定。

Article 1 These Regulations are established in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, considering the current circumstances in Guangzhou (referred to as the city). The primary objective is to regulate the installation and maintenance of foreign language signs within public places in the city, thereby enhancing its status as a focal point for global communication and consumption and reinforcing its identity as an international metropolis.

第二条  本规定适用于本市行政区域内公共场所外语标识的设置和相关服务、管理等活动。

Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to the foreign language signs in public places within the administrative area of the city, as well as pertinent services and maintenance activities.


The term foreign language signs, as stipulated in these Regulations, encompasses symbols displayed on various mediums, including guideposts, electronic displays, light boxes, printed posters, etc. Such signs use one or more foreign languages to convey information regarding designation, location, purpose, alert, warning, restriction, prohibition, instruction, or brief introduction of pertinent details.


These Regulations are applicable when foreign languages are implemented for the dissemination of information via voice announcements in public spaces, as described in the aforementioned paragraph.


Moreover, these Regulations are applicable in cases where foreign language signs relate to advertising, geographical nomenclature, and the designations of the Party and government entities.

第三条  市、区人民政府应当将公共场所外语标识管理工作纳入国际交往中心城市、国际消费中心城市建设和城市管理工作。

Article 3 The maintenance of foreign language signs in public places shall be included in the work agenda of the municipal and district people’s governments to improve urban management and enhance the city’s status as a hub for global communication and consumption.

第四条  市人民政府外事部门负责本市行政区域内公共场所外语标识设置的管理及相关工作,组织实施本规定,并履行以下职责:

Article 4 Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office shall be responsible for maintaining and providing pertinent support regarding the foreign language signs in public places within the administrative area of the city and organizing the execution of these Regulations. The following duties shall be performed.


(I) To formulate and promulgate standards and norms for the translation and typesetting of foreign language signs in public places in the city


(II) To organize and carry out publicity on regulations and standards related to foreign language signs in public places


(III) To organize and carry out routine monitoring and correction of foreign language signs in public places


(IV) To issue accreditation opinions on the translation and typesetting of foreign language signs in public places as needed


(V) To set up an expert committee to provide consultation and guidance for determining the translation and typesetting of foreign language signs in public places and assist in the relevant inspection and correction work


(VI) To receive and address complaints, reports, or suggestions on violations of these Regulations through the Guangzhou Multilingual Public Service Platform and other channels


(VII) To fulfill other duties stipulated by laws and regulations


The department of the district people’s government in charge of foreign affairs shall be responsible for supervising the installation of foreign language signs in public places within the administrative area and organizing and conducting publicity on regulations and standards related to foreign language signs in public places.


The responsibilities of publicizing regulations and standards related to foreign language signs in public places shall be born separately by the departments of education, public security, civil affairs, transportation, commerce, culture, radio, television and tourism, health, emergency management, market regulation, sports, urban management and law enforcement, government service data management, and forestry and gardening. Relevant services and maintenance of foreign language signs in public places shall be provided per these Regulations.

第五条  公共场所管理者或者经营者负责公共场所外语标识的设置及维护,对外语标识定期检查,并保持外语标识的准确、完整、清晰。

Article 5 Administrators or operators of public places shall be responsible for installing and maintaining foreign language signs, ensuring that such signs are accurate, complete, legible, and subject to regular inspection.

第六条  下列公共场所的管理者或者经营者使用规范汉字标示本规定第二条第二款规定信息的,应当同时设置外语标识:

Article 6 Foreign language signs shall be installed alongside standardized Chinese characters to indicate the information provided in the second paragraph of Article 2 of these Regulations by the administrators or operators of the following public places.


(I) Government service centers at all levels and foreign-related government service windows in the city


(II) Emergency shelters


(III) Civil airports, railway stations, ports, watercraft terminals, bus and coach terminals, and urban rail transit stations


(IV) Metro trains, buses, trams, ferries, and other means of public transportation


(V) Tertiary healthcare institutions


(VI) Public libraries, state-owned museums, cultural centers, and art galleries


(VII) International neighborhoods and international talent communities


(VIII) Venues of international sporting events, international conferences, international exhibitions, and other large-scale international events


(IX) Grade A and above tourist attractions and three-star tourist and above hotels


(X) Public sanitation facilities


(XI) Other public places where Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office deems that foreign language signs shall be installed


Where foreign language signs cannot be installed in the public places stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the relevant information shall be provided in foreign languages via voice announcements or QR code signs.


Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office, in collaboration with the municipal departments of transportation, commerce, culture, radio, television and tourism, health, sports, and governmental service data management, shall determine the catalog of public places where foreign language signs shall be installed and the types of information to be displayed. Such information shall be made public.


Administrators or operators of other public places in Guangzhou Nansha New Area of China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, Zengcheng Economic and Technological Development Zone, and other economic functional zones other than those stipulated in the first paragraph of this Article are encouraged to install foreign language signs per these Regulations.


Administrators or operators of other public places may install foreign language signs per these regulations as needed.

第七条  设置公共场所标识,不得单独使用外国文字,不得违背社会主义核心价值观,不得违背公序良俗。

Article 7 Public signs must not use foreign languages exclusively and must align with core socialist values, public order, and morals.


The primary service words on signs in public places shall be standardized Chinese characters with foreign language translations provided as supplementary text. The translated text shall comply with the standards of foreign language translation and typesetting. Where there are no relevant standards, the usual use of foreign languages and practices shall be followed.

第八条  市人民政府外事部门应当通过门户网站公布公共场所外语标识译写标准及常用译法规范,并提供分类查询、指引。

Article 8 Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office shall publish standards of translation, typesetting, and common translation norms of foreign language signs in public places on the portal website and provide category-specific queries and guidelines.


Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office and the relevant administrative departments shall, in accordance with their respective mandates, provide consulting services for standardizing foreign language signs in public places.

第九条  市人民政府外事部门应当组织开展对公共场所外语标识的日常巡查和定期抽查,对违反本规定的,应当督促限期改正并根据需要提供整改建议;拒不改正的,移交市场监督管理部门或者城市管理综合执法部门依照本规定处理。

Article 9 Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office shall organize and carry out routine inspections and regular spot checks of foreign language signs in public places. For violations of these Regulations, Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office shall urge the violator to make corrections within a specified timeframe and provide recommendations for improvement as needed. Refusal to make corrections will lead to the case being referred to the market regulation department or the urban management and law enforcement department for further handling per these Regulations.


The relevant administrative departments shall strengthen the inspection of foreign language signs in public places according to their mandate. For violations of these Regulations, the violator shall be urged to make corrections within a specified timeframe. Refusal to make corrections will result in the case being referred to the market regulation department or the urban management and law enforcement department for further handling per these Regulations.


Where violations are found in foreign language signs in public places indoors, the market regulation department shall investigate and take action.


Where violations are found in foreign language signs in public places outdoors, the urban management and law enforcement department shall investigate and take action.

第十条  违反本规定设置公共场所外语标识,有下列情形之一,经相关行政管理部门或者市人民政府外事部门督促拒不改正的,由市场监督管理部门或者城市管理综合执法部门责令改正;拒不改正的,予以警告,并督促其限期改正:

Article 10 This Article shall apply to any one of the following circumstances where foreign language signs are installed in public places in violation of these Regulations. If the violator refuses to make corrections despite being urged by the relevant administrative department or Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office, the market regulation department or the urban management and law enforcement department shall urge the violator to make necessary corrections. If the violator continues to refuse to make corrections, they shall be warned and urged to make corrections within a specified timeframe.


(I) Standardized Chinese characters are not the primary service words for foreign language signs in public places, and only the foreign language is used


(II) Foreign language signs are not installed in public places where such signs shall be installed alongside


(III) Foreign language signs in public places do not meet translation or typesetting standards or conform to the usual use of foreign languages and practices


(IV) Foreign language signs in public places are not kept accurate, complete, nor legible


Violations of these regulations shall be governed by laws and regulations where otherwise provided. Where the violation constitutes a crime, the criminal investigation shall be conducted per the law.

第十一条  本规定自2024年2月1日起施行。

Article 11 These Regulations shall come into force on February 1, 2024.

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