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Registration for 2023 Guangzhou Marathon to open
Update: 2023-08-24     Source: GDToday

The 2023 Guangzhou Marathon will take place on Sunday, December 10. Registration for the race will open on September 5 at 10:00 a.m. and close on September 25 at 5:00 p.m.

This year's marathon has two events—the Full Marathon (42.195 kilometers) and the Half Marathon (21.0975 kilometers). The number of contestants for the former is 20,000, and for the latter, 10,000.

The starting points of the two events are both set at Tianhe Sports Center. But the starting time and terminal points are totally different. The Full Marathon will start at 7:30 a.m. and end at Huacheng Square. And the Half Marathon will start at 8:00 a.m. and end at the North Square of the Canton Tower Complex, Area A.

More information about the race:

How to sign up?

Log on to the official website of the Guangzhou Marathon (www.guangzhou-marathon.com) to register.

Note: If the number of applicants exceeds the set quota for the race, a lottery will be used to determine the contestants, and the results of the lottery will be announced in mid-to-late October.

Participation fee

Chinese applicants (including applicants from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan): 160 RMB / person

Foreign applicants: 40 US dollars / person


· Age

Full Marathon: Participants must be over 20 years old (born before December 31, 2003)

Half Marathon: Participants must be over 16 years old (born before December 31, 2007)·

· Past experiences

Participants must provide proof of completion of the marathon or half marathon between January 1, 2019 and September 4, 2023. Online marathon results are invalid.

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