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Operating hours for short-line train of line 2 to extend starting March 18th
Update: 2024-03-19     Source: GDToday

According to Guangzhou Metro, starting from March 18th, there will be adjustments to the schedule of Line 2. Some trains heading towards Guangzhou South Railway Station will terminate at Jiangtai Lu Station from Monday to Thursday between 7:00 and 16:15, and on Fridays between 7:00 and 10:00. Additionally,the departure and arrival timeswill be changed.

Currently, during the morning rush hour, the short-line train online 2 is bound for Jiangtai Lu from Jiahewanggang. After the adjustments, the operating hours for these short-line trains will be extended. Specifically, from Monday to Thursday, the operating hours will be extended to the off-peak daytime hours, and on Fridays until10:00.

For passengers heading to the stations along the line from Dongxiaonan to Guangzhou South Railway Station, if they encounter a short line train, they need to wait for the next train. Guangzhou Metro reminds everyone to pay attention to the information of the terminal station provided through station announcements and on the metro television, and to plan their travel time accordingly. Especially for passengers rushing to catch high-speed trains at Guangzhou South Railway Station, it is advisable not to cut it too close.

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