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What are the legal requirements for changing jobs in China?
Update: 2024-05-22     Source: GDToday

According to the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners and other relevant laws: The employer of the foreign employee in China shall be the same as specified in their work permit.

The foreign employee should, within ten days after obtaining the approval for extension of their term of employment in China or the change of their employment location or their employer, go through formalities for the extension or change of their residence permit at the local public security organs.

For further immigration policies, you can call the 12367 service hotline, or consult online through the National Immigration Administration's official website, "NIA 12367" mobile application, and "NIA 12367" mini-program on WeChat and Alipay.

Presented by the Immigration Service Center of the National Immigration Administration, PRC

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