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Creative Industry Parks

In order to support the adjustment on Guangzhou urban spatial layout, some of the enterprises with backward production facilities were shut down or relocated. Creative cultural industry parks, having been reconstructed based on the former factories of those enterprises, and the old wharfs, are developing into an ideal place of leisure for the city residents.

1850 Creative Park
1850 Creative Park
1850 Creative Park was named after the historic fact that Guangzhou was ranked fourth among the top 10 economic cities in the world in 1850, which was one of its most glorious moments in the past 1,000 years.
Guangzhou Redtory Art & Living District
Guangzhou Redtory Art & Living District
It is a center of art and living with international standard, the first pure creative district in Guangzhou.
Taikoo Dockyard
Taikoo Dockyard
A riverside open space and new-style experience commerce cultural scenic spot in Guangzhou.
TIT Creative Industry Park
TIT Creative Industry Park
Constructed on the old address of Guangzhou Textile Machinery Factory, the Park features the culture and fashion of garments with a long history of the textile industry and clothing industry in South China.
Xinyi Creative Park
Xinyi Creative Park
It is an integration of historic charm and modern taste, and an ideal place for leisure located beside Pearl River.
Yangcheng Creative Industry Zone
Yangcheng Creative Industry Zone
It is the only one state-level creative industry zone in Guangzhou up to now.
Zhujiang Party Beer Culture Creative Arts District
Zhujiang Party Beer Culture Creative Arts District
Zhujiang-InBev International Beer Museum is the only modern museum which spread both beer culture and Lingnan culture in China.
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