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City news
GDToday to celebrate international dragon boat friendship in downtown Guangzhou [2024-06-24] 
Chen Clan Ancestral Hall ranks among top 50 museums with international influence (exhibition) [2024-06-24] 
Guangzhou Metro Line 18 to connect with three intercity railways [2024-06-21] 
Guangzhou Ocean World to reopen with a fresh look on June 25 [2024-06-21] 
International transit passengers can enjoy a free one-day tour in Guangzhou [2024-06-20] 
Wuhan-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway handles nearly 1.7bn passengers since 2009 [2024-06-20] 
Guangzhou Baiyun Airport to open 17 int'l routes in 2nd half of 2024 [2024-06-20] 
Memorial hall of the Huangpu Military Academy former site reopened to mark its centennial [2024-06-20] 
The latest map for fresh lychee in Guangzhou released [2024-06-20] 
New railway schedule reduces travel time from Guangzhou [2024-06-18] 
Guangzhou Metro takes global lead in multiple operational indicators [2024-06-18] 
Travel in Guangzhou's Xiguan business circle for food and photos [2024-06-17] 
Global participants gather in Guangzhou International Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament [2024-06-17] 
China's homegrown C919 jetliner to fly on 4th regular route between Guangzhou and Shanghai [2024-06-14] 
China Railway Guangzhou Group to operate new timetable on June 15, with more trains to Hong Kong and shorter time to Beijing [2024-06-14] 
Guangzhou's Liwan reignites Dragon Boat Festival with spectacular parade on Huadi River [2024-06-14] 
Guangzhou and Shenzhen among China's first pilot cities for a modern commercial distribution system [2024-06-13] 
New train schedule enhances connectivity between Guangdong and Hunan [2024-06-12] 
2024 Guangzhou International Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament set on June 16 [2024-06-12] 
Intl cruise home port resumes operation in Nansha [2024-06-11] 
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